Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr Daniel Mandziak is an Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in hip, knee, sports and trauma surgery. His primary goal is to obtain the best possible outcomes and satisfaction for his patients.
- Hip
- Hip (Anterior)
- Knee
- Robotics
- Sports injuries
- Trauma
He uses the best available techniques, equipment and evidence-based practices to achieve this. He has a special interest in utilising technology to obtain optimal patient outcomes, including robotic surgery and computer assisted surgery. This includes regularly teaching other orthopaedic specialists how to perform robotic assisted joint replacement and anterior approach hip replacement.
Dr Mandziak is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Orthopaedic Surgery) and has completed a Fellowship in Arthroplasty and Revision Arthroplasty, Complex Hip and Knee Replacement. Having graduated from The University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, he now supports students as a clinical lecturer in the School of Medicine, supervises orthopaedic interns and trains orthopaedic registrars.
Privately, Dr Mandziak practises with Orthopaedics SA at Memorial Hospital, Ashford Hospital and McLaren Vale Hospital, while publicly he performs joint replacement and trauma surgery as a Visiting Orthopaedic Specialist at the Murray Bridge Hospital. He is an anterior hip replacement educator, training orthopaedic surgeons across Australia in this specialist technique.
- Clinical lecturer, University of Adelaide 2015-2020
- Intern supervisor, Orthopaedic unit, The Royal Adelaide Hospital 2014-2019
- Infection prevention committee member, The Royal Adelaide Hospital 2017-2018
- Hamilton D, Mandziak D, Sehgal A, Howie C, Burnett R. Variation in ligamentous laxity in well-functioning total knee arthroplasty is not associated with clinical outcomes or functional ability European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 2020; 30(5), 827-833.
- McLean JM, Brumby-Rendell O, Lisle R, Dunn K, Gill T, Hill CL, Mandziak D, Leith J. Asymptomatic population reference values for three knee patient reported outcomes measures: evaluation of an electronic data collection system and implications for future international, multi-centre cohort studies. Arch orthop trauma surg 2018 May; 138(5): 611-621
- Ianuzio JR, Munn Z, Mandziak D, Stephenson M, Cain ME. Effectiveness of operative interventions for hemi or total hip arthroplasty patients who sustain a Vancouver B2 peri-prosthetic femoral fracture: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep 2017 Feb; 15(2): 245-258
- McLean JM, Capellato J, Clarnette J, Hill CL, Gill T, Mandziak D, Leith J. Normal population reference values for the Oxford and Harris Hip scores – electronic data collection and its implications for clinical practice. Hip Int 2016 Nov 15.
- Gillespie D, Mandziak D, Howie C. Influence of posterior lateral femoral condyle geometry on patellar dislocation. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2015 Nov;135(11): 1503-9.
- Mandziak DG, Breusch S. Pubic ramus convexity or ballooning: a sentinel sign for severe periacetabular osteolysis in total hip arthroplasty. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2013.
Institution: Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
- Mandziak DG, Clayer M. Chondrosarcoma in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta. ANZ J Surg. 2013 Oct;83(10):794-5.
Institution: Royal Adelaide Hospital - Mandziak DG, Watts A, Bain GI. Ligament contribution to patterns of articular fractures in the distal radius. J Hand Surg (Am) 2011 Oct; 36(10): 1621-5.
Institution: Royal Adelaide Hospital
Presented at the Austrailan Orthopaedic Registrars Association national conference Nov 2008. Second Prize winner.
Presented at the Australian Orthopaedic Association national conference, Cairns, Oct 2009. - Mandziak DG, Howie DW, Neale SD, Mcgee MA. Cement-within-cement stem exchange using the collarless polished double-taper stem. J Arthroplasty. 2007 Oct 22(7), 1000-6.
Institution: Royal Adelaide Hospital
Presented at the AOA (SA branch) state meeting, Royal Adelaide Hospital, November 2007 - Mandziak DG, Stanley BM, Foreman RK, Walsh JA, Burnett JR. Outcome of endoleak following endoluminal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. ANZ J Surg 2004; 74: 1039-1042.
Institution: Repatriation General Hospital
Presented at the RACS South Australia and Northern Territory annual scientific meeting 9th August 2003
Mandziak DG, Watts AC, Bain GI. Pre-operative assessment in distal radius fractures. In: Arthroscopic management of distal radius fractures. Edited by F. del Pinal. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag; 2010: 1-12.
- Cementation quality in direct anterior hip replacement
Mandziak D, Masri B, Munro C.
Presented at the Australian Orthopaedic Association SA Branch meeting, Nov 2017 - Knee replacement after high tibial osteotomy
Mandziak D
Presented at Revision hip and Knee symposium, Sydney, August 2017 - Prevalence of subclinical nerve deficit in a hip and knee arthroplasty population.
Co-authors: J Whitgift, C Howie, C Cheng, D Hamilton.
Institution: Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Presented at the AOA (SA) branch meeting, Aug 2015.
- A new approach for surgical release in de Quervain tenosynovitis.
Supervisor: Mr G Nimon, FRACS
Institution: Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Presented at the AOA(SA) Branch meeting, Nov 2008 - Management and outcome of arteriovenous dialysis fistula aneurysm
Co-authors: Mr Stuart Walker FRCS, Mr David King FRACS, Dr Christine Russell FRACS, David Torpey, RN
Institutions: Royal Hobart Hospital, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Adelaide)
Presented at the Australian and New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgery annual scientific meeting, Rotorua, New Zealand, 6th September 2004 - Current nausea prophylaxis for laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Is your anaesthetist nauseating?
Supervisor: Mr Stuart Walker FRCS
Institution: Royal Hobart Hospital
Presented at the RACS (Tasmanian branch) Annual Scientific Meeting, St. Helens, 9th October 2004
- Anterior hip replacement
- Robotic assisted joint replacement
- Australian Orthopaedic Registrars Association national conference, Pt Stephens, New South Wales, November 2008.
Prize for second best paper for Ligament contribution to patterns of articular fractures in the distal radius. - Royal Australasian College of Surgeons South Australia and Northern Territory Annual Scientific Meeting, Victor Harbour 9 Aug 2003
Winner of the R.P. Jepson medal for best clinical paper for Outcome of endoleak following endoluminal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair - Certificate for excellence in clinical teaching, University of Adelaide School of Medicine, 2011
- Examiner, Australian Orthopaedic Association National Trial Fellowship Exam
May 2014 - Clinical lecturer, University of Adelaide
Undergraduate and postgraduate orthopaedic education
2015-2020 - Local Coordinator, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Orthopaedic Surgery Fellowship Examination
September 2013
- March 2020
Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases bone infection conference, Newcastle - Feb 2020
Orthopaedics Down Under, Revision arthroplasty and tumour course, Brisbane - Sept 2019
Mako Robotic Anterior Hip Replacement course (Teacher), Sydney - August 2019
Mako Robotic Users Group Meeting (Presenter), Melbourne - July 2019
Revision Knee Replacement Bioskills Course (Teacher), Brisbane - June 2020
Mako Robotic Anterior Hip Replacement course (Teacher), Sydney - March 2019
Robotic Hip/Knee replacement meeting, Singapore - March 2018
Mako robotic knee replacement bioskills course, Sydney - October 2017
Exeter hip and the modern challenges of arthroplasty - September 2017
Anterior hip replacement course (teacher), Sydney - August 2017
Revision hip and knee symposium, Sydney - March 2017
Anterior hip replacement course (teacher), Sydney - February 2017
Mako robotic hip replacement bioskills course, Sydney - February 2017
Anterior hip replacement course (teacher), Sydney
- October 2016
Anterior hip replacement course (teacher), Sydney - Feb 2016
Anterior hip replacement course (teacher), Brisbane. - Sept 2015
Knee Evolution sports surgery conference, Sydney. - July 2015
Anterior hip replacement course (teacher), Brisbane. - July 2015
Advancing Orthopaedics Conference, Qld. - July 2014
Revision Hip Replacement Bioskills Course, Melbourne - July 2014
Hip Replacement & Technology meeting, Sydney - May 2014
Revision hip & knee replacement symposium, Sydney - Nov 2013
Pain management for surgeons seminar - Nov 2012
Direct anterior (minimally invasive) hip arthroplasty cadaver course, Innsbruck, Austria - Sept 2012
Advances in technology and techniques: Triathlon TS Revision knee replacement meeting(Faculty member, presenter) Edinburgh, UK - Sept 2012
shoulder surgery for sports injuries, cadaver course
Dublin, Ireland - Sept 2011
Knee arthroplasty cadaver course, Sydney
- Aug 2011
Advances in hip arthroplasty meeting, Cairns - June 2011
Advanced knee arthroscopy cadaver course, Sydney - April 2011
AOA Continuing Orthopaedic Education meeting (Foot and Ankle, Spine surgery), Melbourne - Oct 2010
AOA Annual Scientific Conference, Adelaide - May 2010
Hip and knee arthroplasty and revision course, Sydney - May 2010
AOA Continuing Orthopaedic
Education meeting (Knee Arthroplasty), Sydney - Mar 2010
Pelvic trauma cadaver course, Adelaide - Jul 2009
Primary knee replacement masterclass, Sydney - Jul 2009
Trauma cadaver course – tibia, Melbourne University - Jan 2009
Advanced knee fracture cadaver course, Brisbane - Aug 2008
Advanced technologies in hip and knee arthroplasty course, Brisbane - Feb 2006
AO principles in operative fracture management course - Jul 2005
RACS Critical literature evaluation and research course
- 2015
Manuscript reviewer, ANZ Journal of Surgery. - 2014
Interviewer, AOA orthopaedic training application interviews, June 2014. - 2011
Australian Orthopaedic Registrar’s Association, South Australian Branch President
- 2010
Australian Orthopaedic Registrar’s Association National conference convenor - 2009
AOA (SA branch) training committee representative